Compassion and Unification


Back in the day, Unification rode in on the back of a chariot accompanied by blunt instruments and a lot of yelling. I believe that there are still a few traditionalists around today who would like to maintain that ancient ritual. However, I think it’s safe to say that those days are over. These days, the locals can see you coming from miles away and they will happily flip you the bird. (In ancient Kemet, the bird flips you!)

Blunt instruments and lots of yelling are no longer effective tools for creating or maintaining order.

Without that old standby, it may seem that unification in the modern era is an impossible task. Everyone has a different idea about what they should do and how they should do it. Everyone thinks that their way is the best. They think it is the best, because it works for them. All those varying practices fill various needs. I assure you that if I’m doing something that works that also fulfills my needs, you would need a strong, blunt instrument to get me to stop using it! And then you’d need to keep one eye open while you sleep.

Unification of practice probably isn’t attainable under the current freedoms we all enjoy. However, a unification of spirit is possible. All Kemetics have something in common. They either chose, or were chosen by, the Kemetic deities. These people obviously have good taste! On the other side of the coin, who are we to tell the gods who they can and can’t speak to? They tend to get cranky over that kind of thing. Maybe that newbie, who couldn’t tell a hieroglyph from a wingding if it bit them, has something unique to bring to the table that we know nothing about. We need to have some faith in Netjer’s judgement.

I’m not sure if you’ve noticed or not, but we’re not exactly an overpopulated faith. Every Kemetic is precious. Even that one. Each one of them speaks the Names. Each one of them gives life and breath to our gods. Every person who expends time and energy, in whatever form, in service to Netjer, netjeri, or akhu is filling a vital role in the greater Kemetic sphere. They deserve our respect.

That’s all fine and good, until the next time you read something that makes you facepalm so hard that you think you will see the handprint every time you look in the mirror for the next week. This is where the learned skill of compassion comes into play.

What, did you think you were born with all the compassion you will ever have or ever need? Did you think that this was going to be easy? Kemetics love assigning each other homework, so here’s mine.

I’m not really a Kemetic purist, which means that I have no shame when it comes to ripping off ideas that work. Luckily, the Dalai Lama loves it when people steal this idea. Here’s a Wiki about Compassion Meditation. Feel free to appropriate those ideas and reframe them in a Kemetic setting. They have lotuses. We have lotuses. It’s all good!

“Even as a mother
protects with her life
Her child, her only child,
So with a boundless heart
Should one cherish
all living beings.” Sutta Nipata

(We wouldn’t know anything about that, right?)

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not trying to transform our majestic lions into bleating lambs. It is possible to be compassionate and firm at the same time. My sifu is fond of saying things like “And then you snap their elbow with all the loving-kindness in your Taoist heart.” Now, read that sentence again without the sarcasm. A snapped elbow might be a good alternative to death, or allowing them to use the gun they’re carrying. I’m a follower of Heru. Of course I expect you to defend yourself! Just don’t forget the consequences. A victory won at the cost of a loved one is a bitter one. A compassionate person’s list of loved ones is very long.

Teachers of Compassion Meditation often recommend starting with the self and moving outward. Eventually, you learn compassion even for your enemies. It is better to progress slowly than it is to rush and bring a sense of falseness to your practice. If you really can’t muster up compassionate feelings for someone, then forcing the issue won’t help. Compassion can be learned, developed and strengthened with practice. It is not something you acquire overnight. Be wary of pitfalls such as pity and superiority.

An example of a Kemetic themed verse for compassion practice is given below.

(Name) is a child of Ma’at
May (he/she/they) be free from isfet
May (he/she/they) enjoy all good things
A blessing for (his/her/their) ka!

If you were to start with yourself, you could say:

I am a child of Ma’at
May I be free from isfet
May I enjoy all good things
A blessing for my ka!

You may find that even this first one gives you trouble. You may find that it’s easier to say those words about someone other than yourself. If that’s the case, you could try inserting your name as if you were someone else. Or, if you have a hard time getting through the entire verse, you can stick with the first line for awhile and say, “I am a child of Ma’at.” Eventually, you may recognize that any child of Ma’at deserves to be free from isfet and to enjoy good things.

You can also use this for groups of people such as:

All Kemetics are children of Ma’at
May they be free from isfet
May they enjoy all good things
A blessing for their kau!

Let’s increase the difficulty level, shall we?

All politicians are children of Ma’at
May they be free from isfet
May they enjoy all good things
A blessing for their kau!

That’s a tough one, isn’t it? Remember, don’t say it if you can’t mean it! However, realize that if others are free from isfet, they are less likely to do the things that will land them on your unlikeable list. Just remember that warning earlier about falling into the superiority trap. The verse listed above is probably only suitable for advanced practitioners.

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I'm a Kemetic, but I don't call myself a reconstructionist. My gods love me anyway, and I love them right back. Live long and prosper!

2 thoughts on “Compassion and Unification”

  1. Well said! After my post yesterday, I am relieved to see more Kemetics who are likeminded on the subject of treating all fellow Kemetics with respect.

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